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Do you have a word or intentions for the New Year? Here are mine as an entrepreneur

Writer's picture: Stephanie Genco GasieckiStephanie Genco Gasiecki

I've given this a whole lot of thought over the past few weeks. I've asked myself questions like,

  • How do I want to grow this year?

  • How do I want to grow my business?

  • How do I want to show up for other people?

  • What values are important to me?

  • How will I care for myself?

After reflecting on those types of questions, and doing a big "brain dump" of all of my intentions personally, professionally, and for others, a big theme and a few strong intentions came to light. I'd love to share them with you here.

I call them "intentions" instead of "resolutions" because resolutions feel like I'm making some kind of firm decision for something I'm going to do. But a year is a long time! We can grow as people and shift our ideas, or our life circumstances can change and re-route us. When that happens, I don't want to feel like I've made a promise to myself that I'm breaking; instead, that I've set an intention, and I can choose to adapt that as the year goes on.

I shared my intentions in detail in this podcast episode (as well as how I got to them), if you prefer to listen!

(You can also find/listen on your favorite podcast platform by clicking here.)


Community is my word for the year.

I want for "Be Well with Steph" to really be a community. It is so much easier to make strides toward improving our health when we don't have to "go it alone." That has always been the intention of my membership community, "Be Well Together," but I want across all platforms for the people here to feel connected. We are journeying together as we grow in our wellness, improve our health, learn more about self-care and self-love... I hope that idea is comforting.

This idea of COMMUNITY encompasses most of my personal and professional intentions for this year - more of those details below.


My Personal Intentions for 2022

1. Grow a morning ritual that feeds my soul.

(I've previously shared thoughts about morning habits here.)

Morning time is my favorite; it's really important to me. It's the time I know I am showing up for myself before I'm getting into any other focuses for the day. Some of my routines are really locked in (wash my face, make coffee, etc) but in moving to RITUAL over routine, I'm allowing myself a little wiggle room in what I choose to do after those standard routine moves/habits. Maybe one morning I feel like reading, another journaling, another on my yoga mat... Each morning doesn't have to be the same, it just has to allow for some time that feeds my soul and charges me up for the day. (I really explain this better on the podcast, so I hope you listen!)

2. Move my body daily.

I'm not setting fitness goals related to miles, times, number of days, etc. I'm tired of the idea that we always have to quantify moving our bodies; like if we can't count it, it didn't count? I'm over that. Instead, I want movement to be a celebration of what my body can do, or a challenge to what it can do. I love to lift at the gym, but I also love long slow walks, sprints around the block, yoga classes... I know how much movement supports my physical & mental health, so it HAS to be a priority.

3. Make intentional food & drink choices.

I know that I nourish myself better when I'm more prepared. I know I feel better when I'm more nourished. Soooo.... makes sense that I have to look at my week and find some little pockets of time where I can be prepared, make nourishing food more readily accessible, etc.

4. Continue to read, learn, explore hobbies, & do things for FUN.

Breaking News (to myself): Not everything has to be done with the intention of accomplishing a goal. You can read a book or play the piano, just for fun. You can paint, even though you aren't great at it. You can go on a bike ride, just to mosey around town. You can play on your yoga mat without following a video. You can just play. Without a goal. It'll be okay.

5. Remember my actual, real-life community.

The people in my life are important to me, so carving out time to be with them needs to be important, too. We all have this network of people around us, and we can choose to pull it tighter, or leave it loose... simply put, I'd like to pull mine a little tighter.


My Business Intentions for 2022

1. Grow my team.

I'm wildly excited. We can do a lot on our own, but we can do more together. We all have our own strengths, and I know that it is time for other people who have awesome skills that I don't have to begin working their magic in my business, and for me to be able to hone in on the stuff that I am good at... I cannot wait to see how this changes Be Well with Steph, and Wellness in the Village, and allows the work I feel so passionate about to impact more people.

2. Host & guest speak at live events.

At Wellness in the Village, as a guest at wellness events, as a professional guiding personal development workshops... I am READY to help more people create personal wellness by nourishing themselves and building self-care routines. If you're new around here, I have an extensive background in both education and theatre that have created a part of me that thrives in collaborative settings that is simply not being tapped into right now. It's time to change that.

3. Expand & adjust online coaching offers.

You'll have to stay tuned, because this is going to be COOL. It will look like:

- the addition of self-paced, online courses in both nutrition (focus on learning to eat whole plant foods) AND creating daily routines that support your wellness

- more group coaching opportunities (nutrition & healthy habits)

- 1:1 coaching program for Holistic Health Coaching for Women (ahhh!!)


Well, there it is! That's what I have in store for 2o22. There's a little bit of holding my breath and reminding myself to breathe... But I know that with the support of our COMMUNITY and with continuing to listen to what my heart & body need, some pretty awesome things are on their way. :)

I want to hear from you, now!

You can comment below, send me an email at, or head over to Instagram to send me a DM or comment on a recent post. Let me know:

  • Does any of this feel interesting or exciting to you?

  • Do you have intentions for 2022 that are lighting you up right now?

  • Where do you need support?

Showing up for you and doing what I can to support your wellness journey is so important to me. I am excited to continue connecting with you and building our community this year!

Be Well,



Unknown member
Jan 10, 2022

That is beautiful! My words for 2022 are patience and joy. Focusing on these continuously will help me in so many areas of my life! My continuing intentions are: *morning routine of read/journal/reflect *move my body consistently (in any way shape or form) *mindfulness with food Just being a part of this group is the support I need!!! 💜💜

Replying to

Sound like beautiful intentions because they are about listening to what your body, mind, and soul need and responding. 💖 glad you are here!

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